Sunday, June 30, 2013

First Interchurch Fellowship │Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines

Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines Holds First Interchurch Fellowship
April 6, 2007 in Lucban, Quezon
Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines held its first interchurch fellowship since its organization as a Reformed denomination in April 2004. The long awaited event was convened last April 6, 2007 in Lucban, Quezon Province and participated by local BTRCs from Antipolo, Batasan and Lipa with Lucban as host church.

The gathering's chief goal is to encourage and strengthen the brethren in the only and true Gospel of God’s grace. This is achieved as each BTRC church and individual member realizes that he does not stand alone in his firm conviction in the true Gospel.

More than the delight in seeing brethren dwelling together in unity is the Lord’s presence gracing the occasion through the exposition of His Word. The program was highlighted by three messages from our pastors. The messages were geared to establish in everyone's conviction that there is only one Gospel of salvation; that it is the precious heritage of the Church of the past and therefore must be unitedly guarded, confessed and defended by the faithful modern day Church. Hence, the theme of the occasion: “One Gospel, One Heritage, One Stand.”

Pastor Ronnie Santos of BTRC Lucban delivered the keynote message from Galatians 1:6-12 warning the brethren against deception by false gospels and false preachers. He labored upon his theme in his emphasis that God has revealed only one Gospel. He expanded this antithetically by exposing the fallacy that there are different “versions” or degrees of “purity” of the Gospel. He further pointed out that the one and only Gospel that saves is a Gospel of God’s pure sovereign grace. He qualified his premise by indicating that although the message of this Gospel is unequivocal and absolute, it may be presented in more than one way, whereas the Doctrines of the Gospel of God's Grace represented by the acronym TULIP is the most systematic and clearest presentation.

The second message was delivered by Pastor Alex Aquino of BTRC Antipolo challenging the audience to guard a precious heritage—the “faith once-for-all-delivered” (the Gospel) to the saints (the Church). He established this challenge upon the charge given by the epistle of Jude in verses 3 and 4 urging believers to contend for the faith (of the Gospel) once-for-all-delivered—a faith that did not and will not change, but is being subtly perverted and corrupted by God’s enemies. Moreover, the charge to guard and contend for our Gospel heritage is laid upon us by the true historical Church being its true and rightful heir. And as heir to the true Church of the past it is our mission to confess, live out, and defend that faith to the end.

Following the second message was a synchronized group Bible study involving all attendees discussing Romans 10:1-4. With the aid of assigned leaders and a set of guide questions group members would be able to determine for themselves the necessity of the knowledge of God’s righteousness to salvation, on the one hand, and the fatal danger, on the other hand, of the ignorance of God’s righteousness that inevitably leads the sinner to establish his “own” (not God’s in Christ’s) righteousness. He may be sincere yet blind and ignorant; zealous yet lacking in knowledge. Paul judges that such person is NOT SAVED as inferred by the desire in his prayer that they might be saved.

Pastor Regine Capinig of BTRC Lipa delivered the third message. He exhorted the brethren to unite and stand as one in the defense of the Gospel in spite of the distance that separates each local church. He presented three reasons from various passages of Scripture for his plea for unity. One reason is the real presence of enemies of the Gospel. Another is the reality of our own weaknesses. And last being the reward awaiting those who have suffered with others for the Gospel’s sake.

In the closing stages of the program was a portion devoted for questions and suggestions. Brothers expressed heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the efforts rendered by members of the host church which for the most part contributed to the feasibility of the undertaking. Now that everyone was given the experience of the joy and blessedness of knowing and being with brethren from other local BTRCs many suggested and approved of the idea of holding another fellowship as early as December. It is too early, of course, to ascertain the possibility of another gathering.

The Lord in His grace gave us opportunity in this monumental gathering to behold His marvelous work beyond the walls of our local churches; how He preserves His precious Gospel in the faith and lives of His redeemed children in other localities, and hence willingly accept the challenge to unite as one in the proclamation and defense of His glorious Gospel. Glory be to God alone - by Pastor Alex Aquino

Second Interchurch Fellowship │Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines

Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines Holds Second Interchurch Fellowship
December 26, 2008 in Quezon City, Philippines

Amid the lingering global economic crisis the Lord graciously provided the means for the resource-limited Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines to meet for their second interchurch fellowship on December 26, 2008. The nearly postponed but much anticipated gathering was held in the La Mesa Eco Park, an oasis of natural scenery preserved within the busy metropolitan environs of Quezon City. The long holiday break declared by the government and enjoyed by most for carnal reasons was opportunity for the BTRC saints to see brethren from other local churches, enjoy fellowship with them and hear God’s encouraging Word delivered by the speakers. The BTRC of Batasan Hills hosted this year’s interchurch fellowship event, taking care of the venue and serving delightful meals and snacks from the contributions of local churches.

The theme for this fellowship event is “Separation unto the Gospel” reflecting BTRC’s steadfast commitment to the one and only saving truth of the Gospel applied to the manner they deal with teachings, practical situations and people who clash against the standard of this Gospel. The speakers expounded upon both the positive and negative viewpoint of the theme, that is, our being separated “unto” or being consecrated towards the truth of the Gospel as well as our separation “from” false gospels and other errors and evils. Pastor Christian Joy B. Alayon of BTRC Batasan spoke from the letter of 2 John verses 9 to 11 expounding the aspect of the theme, “Separation from False Gospels and Teachers”. Pastor Regino Capinig of BTRC Lipa City delivered God’s Word from the gospel of John 17:17 expounding the positive aspect of the theme, “Separation unto the Truth [of the Gospel]."

It may be worth mentioning that a part of the program was a united confession and an affirmation by the churches of Article 29 of the Belgic or Netherlands Confession which is among the BTRC’s official doctrinal standards. Article 29’s title is “Of the marks of the true Church, and wherein she differs from the false Church.” It was an edifying exercise since whereas the BTRCs are disdainfully dubbed “separatist” churches they are in fact churches separated unto the Gospel and separated from false churches however influential, popular and numerous those churches may be.

The two encouraging speeches were followed by a short question-and answer session where most of the questions centered on the struggles and stance of the brothers and sisters against the prevailing practices attached to the observance of Christmas (Remember that this fellowship event was held the day just after Christmas Day). The BTRCs do not observe Christmas so members feel the pressure of compromise in families and homes, schools and work places.

The formal part of the program was held only during the morning. It was pre-arranged that the afternoon be a free time for the attendees and their families to meander through the pleasant and relaxing sites of the park.

Feedbacks reveal that there were those who expected a group Bible discussion as was done during the first interchurch fellowship held in Lucban. This is a very positive attitude in our people which was admittedly overlooked and should be taken into account in anticipation of the next interchurch fellowship which will be held, the Lord willing, on summer of 2010 in Antipolo City and to be hosted by BTRC Antipolo.

It has been a brief but blessed gathering as the Sovereign God of Grace gathered once again His people who are in need of much encouragement and comfort, first from His Word and Spirit and then through the spiritual fellowship and unity of every saint made stronger through the visible presence of a fellow Gospel believer and defender.

Third Interchurch Fellowship │Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines

"Never Ashamed of the Gospel", BTRCP Holds 3rd Interchurch Fellowship In Antipolo
April 1, 2010 in Antipolo City
2010’s tropical summer had been most meaningful to the saints of the Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines as they meet once again for their third interchurch fellowship last April 1. BTRC Antipolo was tasked to host this much anticipated fellowship of four local Reformed churches, providing the venue and facilitating the distribution of meals and refreshments. The venue was a clubhouse of a village (we call “subdivision”) situated in Antipolo City where people are able to have a hill view of the cities of Metro Manila.

The theme for this fellowship event is “Never Ashamed of the Gospel” based on the passage from 2 Timothy 1:8-12 reminiscent of the apostle Paul’s dire imprisonment and imminent martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel; the Gospel for which he beseeched his son in the faith, Timothy, not to be ashamed of; the very Gospel upheld and defended by the Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches; the Gospel of sovereign particular grace.

Three speeches highlighted this monumental gathering. The keynote message was delivered by Pastor Romel V. Espera of BTRC Batasan Hills driving home to the hearts of his hearers that the Gospel for which they must suffer is the very Gospel that will bring them to eternal glory. He reminds them of the nature of the Gospel according to 2 Timothy 1:9 and 10: that the Gospel saves not potentially but effectually; that it is wholly the work of God and none of man; that it is of the eternal counsel of God and not a contingency measure for salvation; and that it is the Gospel manifested through Christ’s appearing alone and never through any other way. Pastor Jhyson A. Vino of BTRC Lucban, delivering the second speech based on 2 Timothy 1:8-12, led his hearers in the confidence that it is not a disgrace but rather a privilege both to testify and suffer for the sake of the Gospel. Pastor June F. Subior of BTRC Lipa concluded the speeches with a high note as he expounded 2 Timothy 1:12 imparting to his audience true hope as they are assured that they will never be brought to shame and regret notwithstanding their present sufferings for the Gospel's sake since this Gospel assures a genuine knowledge of Christ and an assurance of God's keeping until the day of Final Judgment.

As suggested in the feedbacks on the previous interchurch fellowship last December 2008, the afternoon group Bible activity was reincluded in the program. The entire assembly was divided into men’s, women’s, young professionals’ college students’, teens’ and kids’ groups. It proved to be very profitable as believers of each local church and guests intermingled to discuss prepared questions centered on the 2 Timothy passage and its message under the guidance of assigned facilitators. Reporters were then appointed after the discussions to present before the whole assembly each group's conclusions.

The sovereign Lord was pleased to lead into this gathering of Reformed believers guests from Cavite, Lucban, Lipa, Batangas City, the upper and lower Antipolo areas, Pasay City and Gapan, Nueva Ecija and provided occasion to witness to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord willing, the fourth BTRC interchurch fellowship will be held in Lipa City (Batangas) in the summer of 2012 and to be hosted by BTRC Lipa.

It has truly been a blessing from the Lord as Reformed believers unite once again not only by the token of their physical presence but above all by reaffirming their common God-given faith established once again by the power of the only and true Gospel of God’s grace. God conferred to them this incomparable and fully satisfying blessing through the preached Word of God alone to which no parlor game, pragmatism or entertainment activity can equal or substitute. To God alone be all the glory! - by Pastor Alex Aquino

Friday, June 28, 2013

Fourth Interchurch Fellowship - Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines

Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches held their Interchurch fellowship last April 6, 2012 in Lipa City, Batangas. The fellowship's theme was "God's Only Gospel, My Only Comfort." As a distinct reformed church in the Philippines, the sole emphasis in our gathering is the Gospel of sovereign and particular irresistible grace, which is the basic and distinct ground of the unity of these reformed churches in the Philippines. In relation to this, this Gospel is also the believer's comfort in body and soul and in life and death (Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 1).